Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Prayer is a necessity
Prayer is not a duty to do, it is an overflow of a heart humbled and full of love and gratitude to God for His great love and faithfulness to us. Without prayer, we operate in our own strength; nothing of eternal significance can be accomplished apart from individual and corporate prayer to our God.
We believe that prayer is absolutely vital in our personal lives and in the corporate life of the church. Prayer is key to living as God would have us to, and in caring for others. We desire for prayer, along with Scripture, to be the foundation for everything that happens here.
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting
This is a general prayer time open to all. Youth and children’s activities are also occurring at this time, so this is exclusively an adult prayer time. Included are praise, thanksgiving, and requests for individuals, families, needs within the church, the community, national concerns, and international missionaries.
Sunday Morning Prayer Time
All are invited to participate at 9:00 a.m. prior to the 9:30 Sunday School Hour. This time of prayer is to specifically ask for God’s guidance in all aspects of the Sunday Morning Service.
Prayer Chain
Prayer requests or praises may be made known to those of the church body who participate in this ministry by calling an elder’s home or by sending an email to the church. Fifty or more prayers will intercede on your behalf. Be sure to then make known how the prayer was answered, to encourage yourself and all those who were praying.
Confidential Prayer
If the prayer need is sensitive and not meant for many to hear, a confidential prayer request may be made to the Pastor, or one of the elders, and your desire for privacy will be honored.
It is not unusual to see two or more people gathered together in prayer before or after church services in an unplanned moment to pray for one another. Prayer is part of every gathering here at the church, whether for a children’s Sunday School class, one of the ministry team meetings, or fellowship times. If we do not pray then we will fall, faint, or fail.
Prayer is not a duty to do, it is an overflow of a heart humbled and full of love and gratitude to God for His great love and faithfulness to us. Without prayer, we operate in our own strength; nothing of eternal significance can be accomplished apart from individual and corporate prayer to our God.
We believe that prayer is absolutely vital in our personal lives and in the corporate life of the church. Prayer is key to living as God would have us to, and in caring for others. We desire for prayer, along with Scripture, to be the foundation for everything that happens here.
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting
This is a general prayer time open to all. Youth and children’s activities are also occurring at this time, so this is exclusively an adult prayer time. Included are praise, thanksgiving, and requests for individuals, families, needs within the church, the community, national concerns, and international missionaries.
Sunday Morning Prayer Time
All are invited to participate at 9:00 a.m. prior to the 9:30 Sunday School Hour. This time of prayer is to specifically ask for God’s guidance in all aspects of the Sunday Morning Service.
Prayer Chain
Prayer requests or praises may be made known to those of the church body who participate in this ministry by calling an elder’s home or by sending an email to the church. Fifty or more prayers will intercede on your behalf. Be sure to then make known how the prayer was answered, to encourage yourself and all those who were praying.
Confidential Prayer
If the prayer need is sensitive and not meant for many to hear, a confidential prayer request may be made to the Pastor, or one of the elders, and your desire for privacy will be honored.
It is not unusual to see two or more people gathered together in prayer before or after church services in an unplanned moment to pray for one another. Prayer is part of every gathering here at the church, whether for a children’s Sunday School class, one of the ministry team meetings, or fellowship times. If we do not pray then we will fall, faint, or fail.